Equipment Overview

Alaska Marine Lines is a pioneer in new super efficient equipment designs. We have the largest fleet of 102″ wide equipment in Alaska. We are the only carrier in Alaska offering 10′ high containers that allow for 110″ door height openings. All of these features are wrapped up in containers that start at 20′ and go as long as 53′!

The purpose of this list is to provide a sample of the various types of equipment that are contained in AML fleet. View our guide for equipment specifications, including the estimated maximum cargo weight allowed by Washington State while moving on standard tandem axle chassis on public roads. Actual equipment sizes can vary based on model and year of production. If you have special equipment-related requirements for your shipment, please contact customer service for more information.

Dry Cargo Container

Alaska Marine Lines Dry Cargo Container

Need us to pick up empty AML equipment? Let us know!